Prezi as a Professional Tool

Some time ago, I questioned whether a presentation created with Prezi was as professional as one created using PowerPoint.  I have spent a great deal of time looking at other users presentations  in order to answer this question.  I was only able to do this because the presentations are made public and available at one site.  Therefore, my answer to my question is yes, Prezi can be used to produce professional presentations.  I think that with more experience using Prezi and viewing presentations created using this tool by other users will allow me to create polished presentations.  I am sure my first adventure with PowerPoint was not as polished as the last one I created.  I am also mindful that Prezi is newer than PowerPoint so there is so much more can be added and created.  After all, what makes a presentation more professional?  Is it the technology tool used or is how the person presents the material?  I believe it is the person presenting.

I have been able to discover so many prezis that I could use in my teaching.  That brings me to a second question.  Since the presentations are on a public sharing site, I am permitted to download or use them in my teaching?  I would always give credit to the work.  What do you think?