Prezi: Collaboration in Two Ways

The best thing that has come from working on my courses this year is the opportunity to collaborate.  During the summer, I used Google Docs for the first time and I absolutely loved being able to work on a document with other classmates who live in different communities.  Now, I feel the same way about Prezi.  During spring break last week, my project partner and I were able to work on our prezi while he was in Belize.  It is simply amazing!  We can work on the document at the same time on different pieces while being thousands of kilometres apart.  This is so unlike my experience with wiki where only one person can edit at a time.  I also watched a video produced by Prezi illustrating how meetings can take place while collaborating on a prezi.  So what does this mean for students?  As a university student during the pre-millennium,  my lab partner and I would have to call each other on the phone to discuss our lab results and report.  Now students can easily get online and work on the prezi at the same and perhaps text or use Facebook to chat while they create.

One drawback to Prezi is that a lot of time is invested in creating a lesson using this tool.  I would love to use it as a tool in a biology course that I teach.  There is a possibility of collaborating with a secondary teacher who has taught a similar biology course.  We have talked about sharing our prezi lessons with each other.  For example, I could create one teaching mitosis and meiosis since it is an area that I really enjoy.  I even have a great digital story that I could create along with it.  Perhaps, he could create one about the organelles in the cell and their roles.  It would be an exchange of our work which is a great way of learning from each other.  I really am looking forward to this opportunity should it occur.

One thing that I am aware of is that no technology tool should be overused so I would not create each of my lessons using prezi.  I would not students to become tired of prezi as some of us have tired of PowerPoint.