My #etMOOC experience – limits and benefits!

Alright well etMOOC has been over for a couple of weeks already – this fact already expressing the limit-benefit duality of my experience: I feel behind, yet it doesn’t matter!!!


etMOOC has been an overwhelming experience for me as I’ve felt like I were miles behind since the very beginning – I joined the course late and required more orientation than most.

Now for the benefits – etMOOC has changed the way I see the internet. Yearning to be more than passive consumer of digital content, the course has taught some simple ways in what I can contribute to the web, which is way more exciting! It has shown me there’s SO MUCH to learn out there and so many people interested in sharing and developing new ideas. I’ve created new contacts, learned to use new tools, and found inspiration in a refreshingly different approach to “teaching and learning”.

In fact, I think the ways in which etMOOC encourages us to interact with the web (and by extension, with content) represents one of the best models for lifelong learning.

And that’s why it doesn’t matter. The course was about raising interest on educational technologies and fostering lifelong learning habits in each one of us.

I’ve barely participated in etMOOC, yet I feel it has revealed a new world to me. A vibrant world buzzing with creativity. A world that seeks to understand how the emerging forms of communication are changing the way meaning is constructed. A world that comes with equal doses of abundance and responsibility.

Need I say more?