Recent and New Learning Opportunities

Just celebrated the finale of  two educational technology courses at UVIC with many members of our cohort on the North Island.  It has been a blast and I’ve learned a lot.  One of the most amazing projects I witnessed was an ibook about the local culture and language made by Reed Allen and Diane Harris– way to go you two!   I would like to do something similar with Japanese and French down the road.  In order to learn more about language teaching and online resources,  I have signed up for the LTMooc that begins April 15th for six weeks.  This mooc is intended for language teachers who want to integrate technology into the classroom and become familiar with Instreamia– a platform for teaching languages online.  So far it is attracting language teachers from all over the world and many languages are represented.  I look forward to gaining more knowledge about language teaching pedagogy, resources and flipped classrooms.