Displaying student work with QR codes

Planning for the school Open Night usually involves, among other things, collecting samples of student work for display. As increasing amounts of this work is submitted electronically, often taking the form of a keynote presentation, or in junior classes, an Educreations or iMovie presentation,  this is no longer straight forward. Two years ago I collated some keynotes into a movie, which we ran on the projector, and we printed out a few others, but with the cost of colour photocopying, this was limited, and it’s just not the same. We had 2 projectors last year, but it was still problematic. Parents just see a the small section that is playing while they are in the room (possibly 10 minutes on a school wide tour) and if the video finishes, you want to be talking to them, not restarting presentations. This year I realised that QR codes might be the way to go. So I’ve created QR codes that link to a variety of types of student work. Some work was already posted on our RSC Maths blog, but I wasn’t sure how to link to educreations videos or how to show a screenshot of student Edmodo entries. Thanks once again to Clare Rafferty who pointed out that urls are created when you insert media into a blog post, so that I could use the created url even if I didn’t actually insert. She also recommended gorilla scan QR code creator as it allows options for size. I now have several laminated posters to add to our Open night display, with QR codes, instructions on the app to use (i-nigma) and a brief description of what it links to. I’ve also put together a single A4 page of selected codes (six fit nicely) and I’ll print those out so that parents can take them home. I had the student teachers test run my instructions and the codes and all went well, so here’s hoping it’s a success on Thursday.