WANTED: Hell Raisin’ Desperados

The Outlaw BBQ and Poker Tournament has become an Annual Fundraising Event for Mountainair Public School’s Battle of the Books program, and the rest of the Annual Mountainair Firecracker (but not this year) Jubilee, along with other associated events. 

So this week I’m busy pulling together materials about a community event to distribute online…and making the making hacking remixing and sharing my #clmooc project for this making cycle.

It’s this coming weekend ~ someone getting to me about it sooner might been an idea but . There’s a web page replete with information gaps and flash heavy (bad for SEO) but ~ until I started this past week end ~ social media, online notices, blog posts, image galleries, Facebook and Event pages, etc. have been absent ~ just posters about town, notices in out of town but area weeklies, and a local emailing. “Build it and they will come” is not an effective marketing strategy unless you have magic realism on your side. We don’t. 

People are working, different groups, but in isolation, not communicating well either between groups or with the public they hope will attend and spend … information flow is, shall we say, less than ideal. Besides the obvious PR/PSA aspect, I hope that creating or linking to local networks, making connections, and then mapping them visually to show both actual and potential connections will encourage network building. I’d also like the project to be yeast for a Jubilee community of practice consisting of distributed local networks, autonomous but connected and communicating.

The image below is for the Jubilee car show that the Salinas District/Visitors Center (NPS) puts on as one part of the annual event scheduled for the Saturday closest to the 4th of July. Lately, it has been shape-shifting and perhaps even experiencing an identity crisis.

So far I have several blog posts(not counting this one yet) and more Facebook posts, cross posted at Mountainair Online and Shaffer Hotel pages. So far I have posted about the Outlaw BBQ / Poker Tournament, the Salinas Car Show, MGR’s Junior Outlaws Rodeo and Tuesday’s Bingo, which I took the liberty of classifying as “opening” for Jubilee. 

Yet to post: Parade (finally winkled enough information out Town to work with); Marauders Mud Bog, Black Bart Adventures; Kathleen Ryan (Clute) CD Launch this Friday at Cibola Arts. 

So far, I have questions about: 

  • Mountainair Community Choir (email Patty Mahoney about that: the Independence Day concert is a regular event, sometimes on Jubilee, but they may be having their concert on the 4th
  • Art council: check July Calendar and email to ask if Saturday classes and mural work session be cancelled or will there be a Jubilee open house/demo
  • Anything else at the Shaffer besides Best Chili Contest? Email Edward Harting

Time permitting (the event is Saturday), I would like to add content pages for context:

  • About the 4th of July,
  • Battle of the Books,
  • BBQ (history recipes),
  • past Jubilees
  • Mud Bogging,
  • Poker.

Before that, though, I need to put up a plain Jubilee schedule page to have it up and out with minimal delay. Looking at my files, I asked myself what happened to 2012 and came up with two answers: too much Facebook (quick and convenient but not search friendly (except for Z & co) and disappears from the event horizon ~ planned ephemerality?) and not enough cooperation. I may also have been mooc-immersed at the time. Each possibility holds its own important lessons.  

I’m mulling over ideas for mapping the event with page thumbnails and iconic images of activities that don’t have their own pages.