Goal 1: Define Your Moment

Shelly S. Terrell has launched the 4th cycle and year of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators.

This year’s theme is, “This is MY Moment.”

Goal Nº 1: Define your moment

After I read Josette LeBlanc ‘s post about Connections and Influences in iTDi Blog I was very moved by  of Josette’s reflections on the power of gratitude. And I moved quickly to take action, getting a gratitude buddy did not seem something easy, but I managed to look for help and met my gratitude buddy quite soon. 

His name is Tom, though he is not an educator but an engineer by profession and a long distance runner by choice, he accepted my proposal and started a wonderful journey towards sharing the good things our lives provide. 

We express gratitude on regular basis and I am happy to discover more and more reasons to be grateful.

We also share what we learn about leading a positive attitude in life. I also thank Josette for leading us to Tara Brach‘s work on helping people to live with greater lightness.

And we are moving forward, we decided to start looking for beauty around us. We are becoming better observant of our nearby environment.

a moment to listen to the sounds of nature

the scent of flowers

lady slippery on a walk

Gratitude, beauty around us, positive attitude, can be contagious bugs too. 

I would also like to thank Chuck Sandy, Master Chuck, who has infected my life with passion.

This is my moment now, I am focused on keeping a positive attitude towards life and this has had a huge impact in my role as a teacher, a mother, a friend, a woman. 

And I won’t give up …