A Weakness is a Strength

Self Assessment

As a Soft Skills instructor, I spend several hours with each cohort presenting them with career advice and how to prepare for a job interview. My platform stems from several credible sources that I have mentioned in a previous blog entry. On the flip side, I have to admit to being a hypocrite on the topic. I stand before inquiring minds, but they have never been so obliged to reciprocate the question. Well, in the event I do get asked, I am officially prepared thanks to some advice sent from Twitter follower @DawnGilmore9 via @Angela_Watson.

If I were to answer the question, “What is your weakness?” I would prepare myself to respond as such:

In my humble opinion, I am over scheduled. For example,

  • I have several teaching commitments
  • I coach youth lacrosse
  • I volunteer for the Elizabeth Ministry at St. Philip Neri
  • I am an active philanthropist who is committed to raising funds and awareness for Congenital Heart Disease and Organ Donor Awareness
  • I have a young and energetic family

I’ve learned that I need to push myself to look around for more efficient solutions and to ensure that I delegate work to others as effective as possible.

Let’s dissect the information. Here is what I am really saying, “I am someone who keeps a busy schedule and enjoys getting a lot done, but at times it’s difficult for me to take a step back and get perspective. I’ve learned that I need to push myself to look around for more efficient solutions and to ensure that I delegate work to others to be as effective as possible.”

The quotes above are intentional as the words of wisdom are taken from a career coach who sells an ad space on Angela’s helpful teaching website:


Are you ready to turn your weakness into a strength? I challenge you to conduct a self assessment. I’d love to hear about the results and any success you reap along the way to being a better job candidate/interviewee. Best of luck!