Design Thinking: Ideate

Problem Statement

1. Claudio needs career guidance to help him develop and focus on a plan that prepares him for success and satisfaction.
2. Claudio feels the university does not have a curriculum design that provides him with the skills that will prepare him to function effectively in business.

Reframing problem Statement

This curious, open minded, in his early 20s college student needs a way to learn to be active to explore and take chances because  out of expecting to be happy, he is waiting for things to happen rather than  doing things to make them happen

Step 1 Challenge: generate ideas to address the problem. 

Step 2 – Idea Selection: Out of all the ideas you generated, select three ideasaccording to the following criteria:

i. the most practical idea (one that could be easily implemented)

ii. the most disruptive idea (one that would make a huge impact, regardless of how feasible or affordable it is)

iii. your favourite idea (one idea that you are excited about for whatever reason… you don’t have to justify why)