Finding Your Voice

It’s exciting that so many conversations about educational transformation are focusing on teacher leadership and teachers “having a voice”. What thrills me about this movement is a recognition that teachers are professionals. I believe this has been one of the missing pieces in past efforts to change the educational system. Education has been “owned” by so others outside the profession for many, many years. It’s time for us to take the profession back and reclaim the agenda.

Teacher leadership and voice are critical in transformation efforts but keep in mind, administrators and central office staff need to be part of reclaiming the educational agenda. In some cases, it’s and even greater challenge for educators in these roles to “find their voice” and take a stand about the “why” of school and truly doing what’s best for students. All educators need to “own the profession” and have impact on the transformation of the educational system. This post is not about teaches rising up against administrators, school boards, and central office; this is about educators forging a path and having a seat at the table in all conversations, efforts, and shifts that will impact our students.

Finding (And Sharing) Your Voice To Positively Impact Education

  • Create an Education Manifesto – focus on the why, how, and what of your commitment
  • Make Your Education Manifesto Public
  • Understand that YOU must OWN and FIND your VOICE – Systemic and administrative support and opportunities need to be present but you have the ultimate responsibility to make a positive, professional impact
  • Be an Individual within the collective voice of education
  • Be Informed and strive to understand issues from Multiple Viewpoints
  • Develop a virtual Professional Learning Network – Self Organize your Learning
  • Find a public forum to “express” your voice – create a blog, engage in educational chats, interact on state, national, and global levels
  • Lead from where you stand
  • Do Not succumb to the “us vs them” culture in education
  • Engage in inquiry or action research routinely
  • Reflect, Challenge (yourself), Change, Innovate
  • Understand, accept, and embrace the shift that is (and should) occur for future learning environments
  • Be a professional at all times and always stay focused on the “why” of learning and the future possibilities of our educational system
  • Expect and demand excellence from yourself – education is not a job it’s a profession; it’s a passion; it’s about an unwavering commitment to learning and the learners

Here’s my last bit of advice: start small.  It’s not about where or how you start.  It’s just about starting, owning the profession, and inspiring others along the way.  From the classic Nike ad, “Just Do It.”