Are We bold (and brave) Enough to Educate Children of Today and the Future?

Are we bold (and brave) enough to educate children of today and the future? Are we REALLY willing to do whatever it takes? Can we push our thinking, let go, and recognize that significant systems and pedagogical shifts are necessary?  Can we craft future learning environments that leverage all that technology offers? Why must teachers shift from “content delivery” to “facilitators and coaches”? Why is it critical to develop learning environments built on mass customized learning? Are you a connected, global learner? Do reform efforts and conversations focus on student engagement and ownership of learning? Why must our conversations and change focus on equity as much as excellence? How might we change learning environments so it’s about learning; not education?  Are we willing to take the time to focus on transformation and starting with the why and vision of school? How can we balance and leverage the benefits of “bricks and mortar” with virtual or community learning environments? Why do we content delivery continue to be the heavy focus of education when it’s at our students’ fingertips?  Why do we consistently fail to allow student voice and choice in education and conversations about transformation and engagement?  Why do teachers assume that engagement soley rests on the  students and not our learning environment?

These are just a few questions that routinely enter into my reflection about educational transformation.  Hopefully, you’ll see these as powerful starters for conversations and reflections about future learning environments. We routinely start with the what in education – what standards, what tech tool, what text book, what resource, what program – and have very few conversations about the why of education, achievement gaps, shifting roles of teachers, the purpose of school, and most importantly – why we must change.
Feel free to add questions and share your thoughts and feedback about this post!