Shoes, Anniversaries, and Wonder Woman!

So, yesterday was Giulia’s birthday in ds106 world. Today Google said it was Rochelle’s, (someone who submits a lot of the daily creates, I’ve noticed), and #ds106  is celebrating the 600th anniversary of the Daily Creates! We also can’t forget it’s the last day of the first week for #ds106 new recruits!  Wow, what a week of celebrations and accomplishments! Can you believe it? Seems like only yesterday we lost our heads!  
To commemorate today’s momentous occasion, we are celebrating the 600th anniversary of Daily Creates by expressing 600 in a drawing without using numbers.  
Cleverly, Maddie thought of calories, Cathleen thought of a symbol to express longevity. I thought of shoes! Actually, at first I didn’t! I thought of DC Comics, and then I screwed up because I didn’t pay attention when I Googled, so I mistakenly drew a shoe logo.  I thought, grrreat! There goes my whole Superhero themed post I wanted to do! But…superheroes wear shoes too…really cool ones! I wear shoes…when I have to! And this week, the daily creates have made me feel like Wonder Woman in cool superhero shoes!  I’ve only experienced one week’s worth of Daily Creates, but now, I don’t think I can ever go back! The experience has unleashed my creative powers! I hope to be around to celebrate the 1000th anniversary, and if challenged again to express 1000 without numerals, maybe my drawing skills will have improved by then, and I’ll be able to draw Judi Dench, (or is it Ralph Fiennes now?)…wishing Daily Creates a very happy anniversary.