Week 5 – Syllabus and Organizing Online/Blended Courses -POT Class

It is the week of examining Syllabus options and Getting Ourselves Organized!


I have to admit the amazing timing of this module. I have already forwarded suggestions from the readings, especially the templates, to some of my peers and Instructors that I am mentoring. My fellow learners appreciated the details, especially for the “Start Up” and Introduction modules. They were able to see what information they already have, and what they are missing. I also used the syllabus readings to help me rethink a course I am working on. Here’s the summary of #HSOLead13

Ironically, the timing of Diigo is also exactly what I needed this week. A “pleasant reminder” to use social bookmarking tools encouraged me to create a Group so I didn’t lose the links to my HSOLead Course. One of my instructors had spent hours on her first module, and she lost many of her links – so I suggested diigo from now on.  I suggested it to my son’s grade 2 teacher as an alternative to a list of links on a website AND I started a new group so I wouldn’t lose all these great syllabus and set up examples : I started a new Diigo Group called – https://groups.diigo.com/group/online_blended-course-syllabus

Getting organized calmed me down. It seems that once October hit – the projects started to pile up. The syllabus readings, the quick tutorial about setting up a weekly design inside BB as well as Diigo reminders have really helped me take things one step at a time.

No questions this week – I’m focusing on “organizing” things :)

Verena :)