How we started creating our own textbooks

A new project is about to be born

“I teach to try and organise people’s learning journey … to create a context for them to learn in” – Dave Cormier
As we don’t follow a textbook in class, I started to think that my students could create their own e-textbooks. I shared the idea with some of them, and they are more than excited about it. We are in the process of editing their Google Documents that is basically where they collect their works.

How do we plan the learning journey?

1. We define learning goals together.
2. We brainstorm questions about what they want to learn about the topic. Ideation: defer judgement, all ideas are welcomed in this stage. I encourage students to create open questions rather than closed ones, which will have only one answer.
Ex: Was Frida Kahlo a surrealist? (Closed Question) –> What kind of art did Frida Kahlo paint? (Open Question).
Time to prioritise questions.
3. Together we seek material. At the beginning I was more in charge of this stage, now some of my learners email me material or links they find and they are interested in.
4. We discuss, evaluate and organise the material. Filtering is a must: reliable sources, credible information (Sometimes they tend to choose material that provide information they agree with), adaptation to fit their levels. I am more active on this stage, especially on lower levels.
5. Prototype the project
6. Collect learning(s): Assessment. I invite them to assess their work by using a simple grid after we finish our project or plan. (It has taken some time to get them to learn how to assess their work; little by little it’s becoming more of a routine). I also provide feedback after they edit each activity; my assessment usually consists of questions to lead them to self correction.
7. To add value to their content I suggest them to use some tools:

Writing Tools:
a. Google Documents: Our sandbox
b. : to collect questions, ideas, future plans
c. Linoit: To collect projects
d. Pimpampum: for digital stories
e. A community blog: Some of my students blog while others don’t feel confident, so I store their productions in a blog.
f. A wiki: To collect their productions (I started this year)

Recording Tools:
a. Vocaroo
b. Podomatic
c. Audioboo
d. Soundcloud
e. Students’ phones
f. PC voice recorder
g. Garage band

Digital StoryTelling Tools:
a. Five Card Flickr by Alan Levine
b. Pechaflickr by Alan Levine
c. Educreations

Presentation Tools:
a. Prezi
b. Mybrainshark
c. I-Movie
d. Movie Maker

Note: Some of my students are still reluctant to use technology by themselves. However, their work is so valuable, that I do the work for them, or ask another student for help. 

If students are going to generate their own content, asking questions becomes the starting point in the process. “Learning how to ask questions” becomes a goal to achieve.

Example of a lesson plan we designed 
1. Define Goals
I’d like to learn about the new role of women
2. Ideate questions
On this stage we generated over 20 questions, unfortunately we were writing on a piece of paper, material … lost! But we learned a lesson.  
Who were some women that made a change?
Why did women become so powerful?
How do men feel about this new role?
Why did the role of the woman change?
What are women doing?
How did women become so powerful?
How do women feel about their new role?
3. Collect material
4. Prototype.  

My student made her own choice: New Data on the Rise of Women by Hanna Rosin
a. Write at least 5 main ideas and supporting ideas
b. Choose at least 5 words you found interesting / or you didn’t understand
c. Your own opinion on the new role of women and how men feel about it. (do some research, and answer questions we considered relevant)

Main ideas and Supporting Ideas

Power between women and men is shifting women are taking control, women majority of workforce, over 50% of managers are women
Global economy is dominated by women   affect culture, (the idea of ideal marriage, the man as rugged and tough). India, Korea, China are shifting and now prefer to have first born girls. 20s and 30s   passionate, and feminist movement
Recession has affected men more than women à women are majority in workplace, young women earn more than young man, young single women are the ones buying real estate
Economy has changed manufacturing (building and manufacturing) to service / information industry. (Men have lost their jobs with recession and they are no longer the providers)
Different skills required in the new model of economy intelligence, sit still and focus, communicate freely, be able to listen,
The new ideal Leader foster creativity, build teams,
New jobs Childcare, elder care, food preparation (women used to do this at home for free)
Women are getting college degree faster than men men think themselves as providers. Young boys are doing poorly at school
South Korea Patriarch society is shifting the government push women into workforce
Cinema industry is shifting too Women are becoming the heroes
Glass Ceiling vs. High Bridge: exhilarating self confidence, courage

Words and Phrases –> Language

Exhilarating: causing feelings of excitement and happiness
It was exhilarating sharing the sea with my children
Ball and chain: Men are the new ball and chain
Connect the dots
Self-confidence self confident (adj) lack of confidence
Women are more self-confident because they earn money.
Take a decision and make a first step
Once you set a goal, you should move forward and make your first step
Foster creativity: encourage – promote –
Peter is a great leader who fosters creativity and innovation at work
Women foster creativity in the workplace.
She fostered my self-confidence
Sit still and stay focus

Editing work:

In Search of Equality

Nowadays, there is an interesting and important topic about the new role of women and consequently, the new role of men in the society and how it has affected their lives and self esteem.

How are we going to approach this process with beneficial results for both genders?

Research, statistics and surveys show that women in the changing global economy are more successful in the workforce than men.
Women are getting more college degrees.
Nowadays, women are doing jobs that used to be considered male’s work.
The new skills required in the new economy, which has changed from manufacturing economy to service and information industry, women seem to have the perfect skills.
The new jobs that the shifting economy requires are those which women used to do for free at home, and they have proved to be very skillful.

How do men feel about this shift?
Some might feel they are losing a battle while others could feel like they had taken off a heavy burden from their shoulders. Even more, others might enjoy that they are the ones being supported not only financially but also emotionally.

Education in the first stage of our lives has a strong impact on what we think about men, and how much we owe them. Even, our memories about our parent’s roles impact on our beliefs.

I believe there are more uncertainties than certainties regarding if this shift in roles is not going to deteriorate the relationship between both genders. Maybe it’s a question of time, a question of how parents take the role of bringing up their children nowadays. Maybe with time, men can start to think that rather than a curse it can be highly beneficial for mutual growth. Therefore, sharing responsibilities like bringing up children, education, the bills, general decisions can empower men and women.
The journey has just started and as Hanna Rosin says when she talks to women: “Bring your husband, your friends with you. Take a decision and make a first step”

She presented her work using Mybrainshark, but before planning her Powerpoint, a new issue came up. Attributing images. It took us two hours to read and understand the value of attribution and how to do it correctly. I did not lecture about it, rather encouraged her to discover the laws against copyright infringement. A new world for a lady in her mid 60s. She was about to give up, but I came up with this:

And she got back on the road. I can’t thank her enough for sharing her enthusiasm in learning. 


So, this is an example of a lesson we created with a student, in her mid 60s, at an intermediate + (upper Intermediate ?) level. I think we can still improve this plan, basically we devoted long time to editing her report, and learning about copyright, and I thought that it was such an amazing challenge for her, that we just skipped answering all the questions we had selected.
I think this is going to be a fabulous Chapter 1. Can’t wait to finish all the editing work. I am so proud of this learning journey we share.