E-book – pre design stage

Once we set the goal to create students’ E-Textbooks, we started the editing work. In fact this editing work provided a lot of learning, not only were my students editing but they were reviewing, and evaluating to what extend those achieved goals were still active.
They were re writing and re-recording as they became aware of their own mistakes. And eventually
we found ourselves re-setting goals, mostly the ones that had to do with Grammar, Idioms, Vocabulary.
At this point, I would like to point out that this process of creating their E-Textbooks has been an almost perfect way of assessing their learning(s) in 2013.

My own learnings:
a. There’s a lot of speaking during our classes therefore the Google Docs. look very messy, they are  not really showing all we have done and even some parts look poor in design and content.
b. We collect their productions in different online media: blogs, a wiki, websites: recoding(s) in: Mybrainshark, Podomatic, Soundcloud, their own devices, my computer
c. I took down notes on paper which I could not find when we were editing the Assessment part
d. When starting a new project, being goal oriented is crucial. I had this idea in mind but I underestimate the volume of the project.
e. The most important learning is that by becoming aware of the challenges we faced at the moment of editing and collecting their productions, I will take some decisions to prevent this in the future.

Ideas to correct content:
1. Once learners finish each project or lesson, I will provide them with the plan I have developed. I think I have to do it at the end, as very often the plan gets modified by different circumstances, call it the material selected was too challenging or too easy; or students did not get motivated enough but they come up with their own material or I find something more adequate for the moment. Sometimes when it comes to Grammar, I realise leaners need to do more practice of previous material. For ex. how can they produce accurate conditional sentences if they do not remember the past or the past participle? How can they produce descriptions if they cannot remember the difference between adjectives ending with -ed/-ing?
2. We will keep all links to videos, readings, images, podcasts we use in the Google Doc.
3. We will  keep the links to their productions using a given tool in the Google Doc.
4. When using students’ own devices like their phones or  computer tools and applications will will include the location we have saved them.
I’m sure there’s still a lot more learning to come. I would highly appreciate your feedback, above all I am thinking about ways to keep the balance between the content and what arises in class as unexpected but very relevant. I wouldn’t call myself a Dogmetician, but more than often my lesson plans are so very secondary when it comes to a: “Hello, how are you doing today?” “Well, I am so excited. You won’t believe what happened to me yesterday …”

As the excitement around the E-textbooks is so contagious I also got infected by the E-Textbook bug.
I found Essay Map, and started mapping my first E-textbook.

I plan to blog about the process, right now I would love to show you my screen, I think I have like 20 drafts. And I just have this number because when I started I wrote and deleted, otherwise …

Want to see it?