Path to Panem : Hunger Games Project

k12 and Higher Ed: Project – Path to Panem, Hunger Games Project

“May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favour” (The Hunger Games, S. Colins)

Path to Panem FINAL

A few weeks ago, I tweeted a “what if” scenario – What if we (as in my PLN) created a Hunger Games Project – Online? I had been talking with the Educurious team about how to integrate badging and merge their current Hunger Games module – from pdf to an online/blended/networked version.

These are the tweets, in a Hunger Games- Path to Panem  Storify, that started the project.

After the initial discussion, Dr. Lee Graham (University of Alaska Southeast) connected with me – and asked if we could consider integrating the Hunger Games idea into one of her graduate courses. She asked Vicki Davis to see if she would like to be involved.  Vicki’s students are doing some great work with Minecraft. She encouraged us to consider a staged project where any student (13+) could begin by researching and inquiring about the Path to Panem.  Then, students could consider games that described the many possible paths to Panem. Her students would focus on a Minecraft version. Lee asked one of her students, Minecraft guru Colin Osterhout if he would help support a Minecraft EDU version of Path to Panem.

That’s how it started and now YOU can join with us on this adventure.

We are looking for classes with students 13+ to start the journey in January!

We are looking for students and teachers of ALL abilities to come and learn with us in a networked environment about “Preventing the Path to Panem”.

We are looking for sponsors!

We are looking for you!

We will be offering supportive “Squirrel Chaser” community to help all learners and a two week OOC (Open Online Community) in Games Based Learning to give us all ideas for our projects! The Games Based, Squirrel Chasers OOC will be offered February 12-26/14.

Click on HERE to get to the  Gamifi-ED: Preventing the Path to Panem: Hunger Games Experience wiki

The wiki has all the details and information you need before January 1/14

Click HERE to apply for any of the various project phases.

OR….Send me a tweet if you @verenanz if you know of someone who would like to help be on a panel or present in the Games Based Squirrel Chasers OOC.