The "11" Blog Challenge

I wonder who started the “11” blog challenge? Will we ever know? “Whoever”, I thank you for this opportunity to get to know each other from a different perspective.

So here is the tagging mission:
1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.

3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
4. List 11 bloggers.

5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
I have been tagged by Shelly Terrell Ratnavathy Ragunathan-ChandrasegaranJosette LeBlanc, and Fabiana Casella I feel honoured by you dear ladies.

2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.

  1. My sister won a bike in the school raffle when she was in first form and I was in second. It was orange. The whole school was in the main hall and the head asked my sister to ride it, she whispered in my ear: “Debbie, this bike doesn’t have the extra little wheels, I can’t ride it” “Don’t worry Gaby I will take you for a ride” This is so unforgettable, the whole school clapping and we were having so much fun”
  2. I love Sex and the City, yes!
  3. I have a collection of jeans and pants in every size from 2 to 10. Now, I realize I have been wearing the same size for over three years, advantages of the golden age
  4. I can’t drink champagne because I get a headache, a disadvantage of the golden age.
  5. I love reading, but when I fall in love with a story; about ten pages before the end, I start reading a paragraph a day to keep this pleasure as long as possible
  6. I don’t drive.
  7. I love housekeeping.
  8. My dad is a runner, he is in his 80s and he still runs 10 Km a day.
  9. My neighbor adopted a beautiful girl aged 1,5, who had stayed in an orphanage home since birth. In fact the first day Loly could go out was when my neighbors were allowed to take her to the park for 20 minutes before they could bring her home. Loly is 3 years old now and she is so awesome, loving and smart. The other day I saw her dad holding a little baby and Loly introduced me to Lucas, his younger brother. Later I met Loly’s mom on the elevator, and I kissed her for the new baby and she told me Lucas was a Loly’s blood brother. G brought the two of them together. These kids have been blessed.
  10. I am going to IATEFL because I need to hug my friends. I think it is time to take action. 
  11. 30 years ago I wrote a play based on Cinderella story and we made a movie, Super 8 lol, with my little students. We recorded the movie in our homes and the main park in town. There was a moment that Cinderella evoked her mom, and I wanted to have a kind of special effect to make it clear Cinderella was daydreaming. The man with the huge camera didn’t know how to do it, so I took a deep breath and exhaled close to the lens and we had a perfect special effect. 

3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.

4. List 11 bloggers.

  1. Roseli Serra
  2. Alexandra Chistyakova
  3. HanaTicha
  4. TamasLorincz
  5. ShrishtiChoudry
  6. BarbaraBujtas
  7. Ageliki Asteri
  8. Maria Bossa
  9. Chiew Pang
  10. Anna Conway
  11. AnnLoseva

5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

1.   How often do you feel exposed to dilemmas as an Educator? How do you work them out?
2.   What plants and flowers do you have at home?
3.   Have you ever got stuck in an elevator?
4.   What is that lovely childhood memory that comes to you every once in a while?
5.   If English is not your mother tongue, do you ever need to read subtitles when you watch a movie in English?
6.   What makes you laugh?
7.   If you could spend a year focusing on research, what would you research? Why?
8.   How do you keep track of your digital files?
9.   When was the last time you danced?
10.    Who do you admire and why?

11.    Are you good at setting goals? Do you follow a certain process to set your goals?