The 11 Blog Challenge by Ageliki Asteri

During the 11 Blog Challenge I tagged my good friend and colleague Ageliki. She has asked me to host her post and I am so glad to have her as my guest.

So here is the tagging mission:
1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
4. List 11 bloggers.
5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

1.  Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
I have been tagged by my sweet and beloved Debora Tebovich and I really feel honoured!

2.  Share 11 random facts about yourself.

  1. I remember Athens when kids would play outside in the yards and we would smell of the scent of the evening primroses.
  2. I have two precious friends from my childhood that it’s not possible to see each other often but when we do so it’s like not a day has passed since we last met.
  3. I love socializing and making new friends and I find time worth spent with people.
  4. I have been an amateur actress for many years – I loved all the roles I played in , but the one that will be marked in my memory for years is that of ‘ The Profession of Mrs Warren ‘ by Bernard Shaw. It is a so heart- torn feeling the rejection of the mother by her own daughter…
  5. I hope to complete my DELTA in 2014, a course that I became passionate with and keep on with my studies in European civilization, which I really adore doing..!
  6. I love cooking selectively and inviting friends to dinner.
  7. I support the idea that money cannot buy happiness.
  8. I am disappointed in that we people have surrendered and do not fight for justice in our world.
  9. I get very angry when educators do not respect and do not help students achieve their goals.
  10. I cannot live without hugging a book every single day and touching a plant, they are my heroine.
  11. I want to travel around the world teaching.
     11 questions posted by Debora for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.
      How often do you feel exposed to dilemmas as an Educator? How do you work them out?   
      You can never be quiet with students, education is a challenge by itself so I try to be well-prepared and help students always look higher
     What plants and flowers do you have at home?
      I definitely have herbs, plants that leave a scent such as orchids, lavender, rosemary, Jasmin and many others that grow tall and leave out oxygen and make a good shade. I love plants and flowers and if one day I can set up my own business that would be a combination of a florist and a bookstore.
     Have you ever got stuck in an elevator?
     No, thank God. 
     What is that lovely childhood memory that comes to you every once in a while?
     When I used to play a game called “The apples” trying to catch the ball and running so much …such an adrenaline rush.
     If English is not your mother tongue, do you ever need to read subtitles when you watch a movie in English?
     I try to avoid reading the subtitles as I enjoy listening to different accents and varieties of the English language
     What makes you laugh? 
     Any spontaneous, discreet, sarcastic comment can crack me up
     If you could spend a year focusing on research, what would you research? Why?
     I would research in the field of medicine cancer cure  – so many people suffering, isn’t it a shame?
     How do you keep track of your digital files?
     I keep them on the desktop with different labels, any ideas?
     When was the last time you danced?
     Very recently because I attend dance classes twice a week, at least DELTA didn’t prevent me from doing so..
     Who do you admire and why?
     I admire the confident and courageous people and all those who lead quality lives and do not lose
     heart before a serious issue
     Are you good at setting goals? Do you follow a certain process to set your goals?
     I am a very good goal keeper and I cannot live without them – they motivate me keep me organised and do not get lost in life
       List 11 bloggers
1. Malu Sciamarelli
2. Maria Lytra
3. Evangelia Kalianos
4. Chara Machairianaki
5. Mariateresa Rossi
6. Alexandra Chistyakowa
7. Pina Miraglia
8. Shanthi Cumaraswami Streat
9. Nora Touparlaki
10. Malefaki Joanna
11. Zumrut Cimeli
     Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let the bloggers know they have     
     been nominated. Don not nominate a blogger who has nominated you.
     Can you tell one weakness of yours?

     What do you most enjoy in life?
     How do you deal with injustice in life?
     What flowers do you like and why?
     What book have you read recently?
    Why do you teach and what part of teaching do you enjoy the most?
    What do you do to help the unmotivated student? 
    What are two things in teaching that have problematized you in particular?
    What do you do to develop as a teacher? 
    What have you found interesting about blogging?
    What is your view on social media and the professional promotion?

The 11 Blog Challenge by Ageliki Asteri

During the 11 Blog Challenge I tagged my good friend and colleague Ageliki. She has asked me to host her post and I am so glad to have her as my guest.

So here is the tagging mission:
1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
4. List 11 bloggers.
5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

1.  Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
I have been tagged by my sweet and beloved Debora Tebovich and I really feel honoured!

2.  Share 11 random facts about yourself.

  1. I remember Athens when kids would play outside in the yards and we would smell of the scent of the evening primroses.
  2. I have two precious friends from my childhood that it’s not possible to see each other often but when we do so it’s like not a day has passed since we last met.
  3. I love socializing and making new friends and I find time worth spent with people.
  4. I have been an amateur actress for many years – I loved all the roles I played in , but the one that will be marked in my memory for years is that of ‘ The Profession of Mrs Warren ‘ by Bernard Shaw. It is a so heart- torn feeling the rejection of the mother by her own daughter…
  5. I hope to complete my DELTA in 2014, a course that I became passionate with and keep on with my studies in European civilization, which I really adore doing..!
  6. I love cooking selectively and inviting friends to dinner.
  7. I support the idea that money cannot buy happiness.
  8. I am disappointed in that we people have surrendered and do not fight for justice in our world.
  9. I get very angry when educators do not respect and do not help students achieve their goals.
  10. I cannot live without hugging a book every single day and touching a plant, they are my heroine.
  11. I want to travel around the world teaching.
     11 questions posted by Debora for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.
      How often do you feel exposed to dilemmas as an Educator? How do you work them out?   
      You can never be quiet with students, education is a challenge by itself so I try to be well-prepared and help students always look higher
     What plants and flowers do you have at home?
      I definitely have herbs, plants that leave a scent such as orchids, lavender, rosemary, Jasmin and many others that grow tall and leave out oxygen and make a good shade. I love plants and flowers and if one day I can set up my own business that would be a combination of a florist and a bookstore.
     Have you ever got stuck in an elevator?
     No, thank God. 
     What is that lovely childhood memory that comes to you every once in a while?
     When I used to play a game called “The apples” trying to catch the ball and running so much …such an adrenaline rush.
     If English is not your mother tongue, do you ever need to read subtitles when you watch a movie in English?
     I try to avoid reading the subtitles as I enjoy listening to different accents and varieties of the English language
     What makes you laugh? 
     Any spontaneous, discreet, sarcastic comment can crack me up
     If you could spend a year focusing on research, what would you research? Why?
     I would research in the field of medicine cancer cure  – so many people suffering, isn’t it a shame?
     How do you keep track of your digital files?
     I keep them on the desktop with different labels, any ideas?
     When was the last time you danced?
     Very recently because I attend dance classes twice a week, at least DELTA didn’t prevent me from doing so..
     Who do you admire and why?
     I admire the confident and courageous people and all those who lead quality lives and do not lose
     heart before a serious issue
     Are you good at setting goals? Do you follow a certain process to set your goals?
     I am a very good goal keeper and I cannot live without them – they motivate me keep me organised and do not get lost in life
       List 11 bloggers
1. Malu Sciamarelli
2. Maria Lytra
3. Evangelia Kalianos
4. Chara Machairianaki
5. Mariateresa Rossi
6. Alexandra Chistyakowa
7. Pina Miraglia
8. Shanthi Cumaraswami Streat
9. Nora Touparlaki
10. Malefaki Joanna
11. Zumrut Cimeli
     Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let the bloggers know they have     
     been nominated. Don not nominate a blogger who has nominated you.
     Can you tell one weakness of yours?

     What do you most enjoy in life?
     How do you deal with injustice in life?
     What flowers do you like and why?
     What book have you read recently?
    Why do you teach and what part of teaching do you enjoy the most?
    What do you do to help the unmotivated student? 
    What are two things in teaching that have problematized you in particular?
    What do you do to develop as a teacher? 
    What have you found interesting about blogging?
    What is your view on social media and the professional promotion?