Hi Natasa, loved the drones for schools slide. Not…

Hi Natasa, loved the drones for schools slide. Not sure how it works but it reminds me of street corner teaching where someone starts talking about what they do and others gather by curiosity and the chance to engage. It may not be functionally understandable but because it isn't entirely purposeful or structured I think most people can grab sense from it. As operating beings we must have some sort basic "kit" of strategies and tools for understanding or we would have been eaten by lions a long time ago. This understanding from the middle must also be a feature of rhizomatic learning too?

Maybe "opportunistic learning" would be a useful way to describe our ability to make sense of things presented in incomplete ways? We must be able to see past distraction and the noise of complexity and I wonder how that works?

I'd say that kids are going to have to learn how to learn themselves. There's no payoff for schools to create complex individuals. They are difficult to manage and generally aren't recognized until it's safe to declare, without knowing anything about them, how important their ideas were.
