Faculty Spotlight: Dr. John Stocker, University of Delaware

WJohn Stockere interviewed Dr. John Stocker, Assistant Professor, University of Delaware Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics Department of Finance, about his experience with online teaching. Check out his insights along with additional supporting resources below!

How long have you been teaching online?

Since 2003 when based in Bulgaria

No matter if you have taught online for 11 years like Dr. Stocker or 11 minutes, we have plenty of resources at your disposal on Faculty eCommons. Check out the Faculty Resources and Innovation sections.

What was your initial reaction when you found out you would be teaching online?

Great. I was very excited to have the opportunity to learn new technology and to reach students that can’t attend a traditional program.

While we hope that all initial reactions are as positive as Dr. Stocker’s, we realize that not everyone has this optimistic of a lookout. For tips on what to avoid when you’re new to online teaching, see the article, 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid During Online Course Design.

What is the biggest obstacle in teaching online?

Getting to know the students can be challenging.

John Stocker rock climbing

Dr. Stocker rock climbing in Nevada

This is a common challenge for professors, especially as they make the adjustment from communicating face-to-face with students to purely online. Here are a few articles that can help you make this transition as smooth as possible.

What is the biggest advantage to teaching online?

Flexibility & reach

We couldn’t agree more, especially since we just spent the month of March highlighting the topic of the globalization of higher education in posts and during the Globalization of Higher Education Conference. See below for articles on the topic.

What tips do you have to new online instructors?

If possible, lessen the importance of exams & increase emphasis on other assignments & projects. Group projects can work very well.

Excellent tip! We know that some professors are hesitant to use group projects in online courses. Below are a few resources that may help you implement group projects in your course.

What are the top best practices you apply to your online course?

Make sure the course is organized, keep the students engaged, and respond quickly to their needs.

Those are all excellent best practices and are all ones that we promote on Faculty eCommons:

Thank you so much, Dr. Stocker, for sharing all you have learned in your 11 years of teaching online!

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