2014 Ship Season is Underway!

Despite the fact that I am surrounded by snowbanks and the temperatures are quite cold, the 2014 shipping season is officially underway! I haven’t has the opportunity to have my first ship sighting of the 2014 season, but thanx to Twitter and my PLN, I have seen quite a few ships, from a distance, so far this season.

On Thursday April 10, 2014, Donna Fry was able  to capture a unique photo of three ships near Whitefish Bay On, with one of them appearing to be changing course.

Knowing my affinity for ships, she sent me the photo via Twitter (@Fryed) but didn’t hear about the newsworthy image until a few days later.

It appears that Donna captured The Roger Blough turning back to Sault Ste. Marie after it reportedly suffered damage caused by the thick ice. The convoy consisted of the Edwin H. Gott, the Stewart J. Cort, Sam Laud and the Edgar B. Speer. The freighters were under escort by the CCGS Pierre Radisson and the USCG Mackinaw when the Roger Blough sustained damage.


For more marine news, check out boatnerd.com. Click on “Ship Information” for more details.

Check out the picture below. What a fantastic shot combined with good timing!


Click below to see ship cluster up close
