What Did I Learn Today? (#OSSEMOOC)

I have been drafting my “big learning” evidence from my time at #OTRK12 and #Gafesummit for about a week now and in the interim I have learned so much more! I have struggled with trying to decide if I should write the “big” connected piece or start fresh and  simply go with “What I Learned Today” as part of the OSSEMOOC 30 Days of Blogging Challenge. Well, I learned something very easy and pretty cool today , and possibly nothing “new” to many of you, but I am going to share “what I learned today”.

Today I learned how to insert a .GIF to make our News postings in #D2L more exciting. I was embedding them with an embed code that was provided, but my Board’s filter required permission from the viewer every time he/she wanted to see the  .GIF file. Not very exciting or user friendly!



I asked my Skype PLN if there was another way to embed the .GIF file so that it wasn’t always asking permission to be viewed.

It turns out you can simply copy and paste the .GIF as you would any image! I assumed, and my lack of technology understanding is obvious here, that the movement in the picture required a code. Apparently it does not as the .GIF file is still an image file.

I have created a News posting in my ORG that quickly shows how to do this! I can foresee some more interesting News posts in the future!

That’s what I learned today….and I am pretty excited by it!

Can't Believe It Celebrate animated GIF


“Every person that you meet knows something that you don’t. Learn from them.”
