Comic Strips

Comics are Collaborative

Grade level 9, 10, 11, 12

The unit served as a cross-curriculum endeavor between the English, History and Marketing departments. Comics generated excitement and enthusiasm for learning as well engaged students in a manner that portrays them each as a superhero or super heroine of their own.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Standards and Anchors


  • Work collaboratively in groups to achieve consensus
  • Select a topic from the Program of Study to apply competency in a new and novel way by creating a comic strip
  • Use our textbooks to research and guide us to accurately portray the steps in the process
  • Take pride in work
  • Demonstrate preparedness
  • Focus on task

Competency Task List – skills are selected by students

Modifications – extended time for reading individual and group activities, summary and evaluation. Para educator for assistance.

Essential Questions (depending on the competency selected, the EQ’s will vary by group):

  1. What is selling?
  2. What are the steps in the selling process?
  3. What are three customer services offered by retailers?
  4. What are the benefits of providing customer services?
  5. Identify three selling policies
  6. What are the steps to handling a customer’s objection?

Teaching strategies: Collaborative pairs, distributed guided practice, distributed summarizing, graphic organizers 

Supplemental materials: Slide share, History of Comics

Learning assessments:

  1. Collins Writing Prompt: How have comics changed or evolved with society?) to be graded via essay rubric
  2. Features/Benefits Chart: cruise three comic websites (Pixton, Make Beliefs Comix and Storyboardthat) and list a minimum of six features and six benefits for each. The grade is based on meeting the requirements as follows:
      ProficientFeature-Benefit chart is complete with 6 features and benefits SatisfactoryFeature-Benefit chart is somewhat complete with 3-5 features and benefits Needs improvementFeature-Benefit chart is not complete with less than 3 features and benefits
  3. Comic Strip: select one of the three comics and create two original comic strips to be graded based on holistic rubric

Features Benefits 3 comic

Reflection: What a great lesson to conclude the academic year. It goes without say that all of the students as well as myself experienced a transformation process. For me as new teacher coming into their lives about five weeks into the school, I was perceived as the bad guy. For nine months, I had to rise above my fears and limitations to achieve something extraordinary — their acceptance. I believe I achieved this…at the end of the lesson we did a reflective exercise about things they would keep the same and things we would change. Under the category of keep the same, 100% of the students wrote “keep the teacher.” I never imagined this to be on the list of things to keep or change; nonetheless, the response is one way I can use the context of a superhero as a way to extend my abilities into next year.