Technology Tools that create student engagement

Originally posted on Krista's EdTech Adventure:

Technology Tools that create student engagement

As a teacher, its our job to support and create student engagement with our students. Learning needs be joyful, fun and also playful. I think that as a high school teacher the word “play” is a feared word. If I leave my classroom door open and my students are being loud and laughing, the fear is:

1) my students are doing nothing meaningful in the classroom.

2) my students aren’t learning and it’s an easy meaningless class.

3) students should be working quietly if they are actually learning.

For myself, I don’t have this fear. My classes are loud and the door is wide open.  I leave it open for others to get curious about my room. The invitation is always there for my other colleagues and my administration to come right in and see what we are doing and learning in my classroom.

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