Embedding Google Slides into the #vLE

Like most things Google, the ease at which you can create Google Slides and share with a wider audience makes it ideal for sharing school images. However, there are often concerns around publishing student images on the Internet. By embedding a Google Slide directly in the Ontario virtual learning environment (a platform currently provided by Desire2Learn) you can provide live updates to the presentation while housing it safely within the #vLE.
The only people granted access to the classes are the enrolled users and their parents/guardians. Users can access the images 24/7 without the concern of publishing the images for all Internet users to view.
Any updates made to the Google Slides are automatically made in the presentation embedded in the vLE. Updating the presentation in multiple locations is unnecessary.
Thank-you to Tim Robinson (@Timrobinsonj) and Joe Sisco (@Joe_Sisco) for their expertise.
Please click HowtoEmbedaGoogleSlideintoavLEWidget (1) for instructions.