30 goals challenge. Support a movement

What a great day to start the 2015 30 Goals EDU Challenge.
At iTDi we, educators from all over the world, get together to learn collaboratively and become the best teachers we can. And today, I got an email notification from iTDi, a new teacher from Japan is starting her learning journey in our community. This was a WOW moment today.

Every time a new teacher joins an educational movement, is a moment to celebrate.

“One teacher at a time”, says Chuck Sandy.

I support the movement “empower one teacher at a time”.
How many children, teenagers, adults, entrepreneurs, businessmen, learners with different skills and capacities are touched, inspired, empowered, cared for by this movement?. We just cannot predict.

I support the movement “care for learners”.
They need to be valued for their strengths, we need to tell them they really matter to us. Have you told your learners you care for them? It works, it really works. Things work so much better when we love and feel loved.

I support the movement “more trust in Education”.
What if we trusted students and teachers by default? I listen to teachers complaining about their schools rules and red tape putting barriers to creativity and new discoveries in classrooms. Trust the teacher, she is there with the learners. Trust our learners. They do the best they can, just like us.

I support the movement “be mindful about how we communicate”.
In this era of positive social networks expansion and global connectedness, I have become more aware of the power of mindful speaking and listening as well as reading to produce a written response. I have always supported freedom of thought, and I will always do. What if we consciously worked towards constructing what we want to express? Have you taken a moment to reflect upon the impact of our words on other people’s lives?

I support the movement “care and share”.
I feel so proud and blessed to get involved in conversations with colleagues from all over the globe. And we talk about our work, our projects, our stories, our family recipes, our children, our dreams, our fears. We care and share from our souls.

What movements do you support?