Review: Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator’s Guide to School Improvement -by Jenni Donohoo

I recently had the opportunity to read ” Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator’s Guide to School Improvement” by Jenni Donohoo (@Jenno_Donohoo).


Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If,upon reflection, we continue to teach, lead, and learn using the same resources and strategies that we have always employed, are we really doing what’s best for our students? Can we honestly say that we have no room for improvement? Can we honestly say that we have it all figured out and we have the right answers for our students?


Let’s be honest. Reflection is hard. And so is collaboration.But if we really want what is best for students these two factors must occur. Not sure how to proceed?

Jenni Clearly outlines the purpose and the structures of a quality #collaborativeinquiry for educators so that “…purposeful, productive and impactful” practice can occur.(Donohoo, p. 4). This book is very clear on the structures (routines, norms, data collection) and the conditions (learner vs knowing stance) that need to be created in order for meaningful change to really occur in our practice and thus in the lives of our students. Jenni not only expertly guides you through the steps of establishing an effective collaborative Inquiry but she also supports you by providing resources and questions to guide your implementation of the CI.

Successful educators constantly reflect on their current pedagogies and use evidence collected throughout the school year to inform their practice. For any administrator or Lead that is perhaps uncertain of their ability or their need to participate in a CI, this book will demonstrate the power of professionals who, regardless of professional backgrounds and experience, are invested in one thing: student success.

To inform practice and to tackle problem of practices in our schools, this book should be on every administrator and Initiative Lead’s reading list!

To view my #storify on this resource: