10 Invaluable Tips To Develop Asynchronous Learning

By Christopher Pappas

Let’s face it, you probably don’t have a whole lot of time to sit and read through a lengthy guide when creating your asynchronous eLearning course. There
is still plenty to do before your deadline rolls around, but you still want to be able to deliver the best possible eLearning experience to your learners.
Thankfully, you can use these asynchronous Learning tips to get all the information you need in a fraction of the time.

1. Incorporate a variety of different eLearning activities.

Self-guided learners need a variety of different activities to cater to their individual learning styles. This also helps to prevent boredom, thereby


and learner participation. Include




narratives, interactive


, and text-based modules in order not only to add variety to your eLearning course, but also to make it more exciting and


to the particular needs of your audience.

2. Use stories and real world examples to boost motivation.

One of the main challenges of designing an asynchronous eLearning course is creating a connection with your learners. They may feel isolated from the
eLearning community, as a whole, which hinders them from actively participating. This is why it’s important to integrate


, real world examples, and anecdotes that tie into the subject matter. Use


whenever possible to keep it light and entertaining for your learners. Just make sure that it serves the

learning goals

and objectives.

3. Give them a helping virtual hand.

Even learners who are working autonomously need support from time to time. They may encounter a technical glitch that prevents them from progressing in the
eLearning course, or they may need help, in order to understand a more complex idea or concept. Whatever the case may be, they need access to reliable
support, such as an email, a contact form, a video chat with the online course


, etc. Since they won’t be able to get help from a face-to-face instructor, you should offer them an alternative form of assistance that addresses their
concerns and answers the pressing questions.

4. Break the eLearning course down into bite size modules.

Chances are, your learners aren’t going to be willing or able to sit through an hour-long eLearning session, thanks to busy schedules and other
distractions. This is why it’s essential to break your eLearning course down into smaller modules that are easily digestible. Ideally, these modules should
be of about 15 to 20 minutes long, if not shorter, so that your learners can complete each one of them, when convenient. You should also make it easy for
them to start where they left off by including an online course map or progress bar they can click to access the next module they want to access in the
eLearning course.

5. Make your design intuitive and user-friendly.

Your eLearning course should have simple and straightforward


controls, as well as an intuitive design that guides learners through the eLearning experience rather than frustrating them. Make sure that all links are
active by checking the buttons and hyperlinks frequently, and provide instructions on how they should navigate in the eLearning course.

6. Stress the real world benefits from the start.

Your asynchronous learners are going to need all the


they can get, especially those who aren’t particularly inspired to learn in the first place. As such, you will want to stress the

real world benefits

of completing the eLearning course even before they hit that ‘start’ button. Let them know how they can use the subject in their real lives, and which
specific skill sets they are developing, as well as how each particular piece of new knowledge is going to improve their lives; in short, let them know
what are they can get out of your eLearning course.

7. Tap into their intrinsic motivation.

While external rewards may be a great motivator, it’s the intrinsic motivation that truly counts.

Intrinsic motivation

is fueled by inner rewards, such as the desire to expand their knowledge base and build their skill sets. Typically, learners who are intrinsically
motivated fare better in self-guided eLearning courses than those who rely on

extrinsic motivation

. So, figure out what motivates them by doing some

audience research

, such as conducting surveys or

focus groups

, and then cater to their needs when creating the eLearning course.

8. Encourage group collaboration to provide peer-based support.

Another key element that is often lacking in asynchronous courses is collaboration. Therefore, you may want to consider integrating message boards, forums,
and project management platforms into your eLearning design to give them the opportunity to get peer


. They can share their experiences and work together to solve common challenges, even though they are completing online assignments on their own.

9. Put their knowledge to use.

No learning experience is complete without an effective assessment strategy, and this is doubly important for asynchronous eLearning courses. You must
integrate exams or quizzes to test learners’ knowledge and check their progress. Doing so also gives them the chance to gauge their own progress, so that
they can fix incorrect learning behaviors and improve upon their weaknesses.

10. Strike a balance between entertaining and enlightening.

It’s true, the most successful asynchronous eLearning courses are fun, engaging, and entertaining, but these elements should not overshadow the real
purpose of the eLearning course, which is learning! Include plenty of


exercises, humorous stories, and other immersive eLearning activities, but always have the learning goals and


in mind.

The trick to creating an effective and engaging asynchronous learning course is making your learners feel connected not only to the eLearning course
material, but to the online learning community as a whole. So, use these tips to immerse them in the eLearning experience and get them excited about
acquiring new knowledge and skill sets.

Christopher Pappas is founder of The eLearning Industry’s Network. Currently, the eLearning Industry has a network of more than 250,000 professionals
involved in the eLearning Industry. He is also the Founder and Owner of the Instructional Design and eLearning Professionals’ Group, which is the largest
online community of professionals involved in the eLearning Industry at LinkedIn. You can connect with Christopher onLinkedin and Twitter.

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