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It was a most timely read. As #BruceSpringsteen fans from all over the world celebrate the 30th anniversary of Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run” album, I finished reading Bruce by Peter Ames Carlin.

Bruce gives insight into the man, the musician and the legend. With interviews from family, friends and small reflections from the man himself, the reader is presented with the background that shaped the musician and the music he has written.

The pace of the book is off the mark as most of the focus is on Bruce’s early, formative years and little attention is given to Bruce’s most recent efforts. Time seems to fly by after Born to Run. Bruce fans may be disappointed by periods in the book that tend to gloss over the big Bruce or E Street events, but the book provides insight into Bruce’s early years and with his family and his adopted family;the E Street Band.

His complicated childhood most definitely had an impact on adult relationships and his music writing. Although the snippets of details provided are interesting for the fans, they are few ad far between, allowing Bruce to continue to keep the mystery that surrounds him and his music.

Does the reader learn anything new? Does Carlin provide any new insights into Bruce and his adventures with the E Street Band? Probably not. What the book does is reaffirm is Bruce’s obsession with music and dedication to his fans. A book I would recommend to only true Bruce Springsteen fans.

“At the end of every hard earned day people find some reason to believe.” – Bruce Springsteen, Reason To Believe