Is There an S?

As part of my exploration of tools for online communication I checked out Fluid Survey.  It is a Canadian branch of Survey Monkey.  I was intending to do a survey and was intrigued by the fact that the server was housed in Canada so use of this tool did not violate the Freedom of Information and Personal Privacy Act. It was extremely easy to use and had a great deal of options.  It also has the capability of producing reports that compile statistics gathered.

Fluid Survey would be classified as an asynchronous communication tool.  For this reason my partner, Grant, and I opted to use Skype to complete the assigned task of playing Hangman but selected words related to our chosen tool.  Interactive.  Statistics.  This reinforced the necessity of matching the tool to the assigned task.  Fluid Survey performs it function well, but that function does not match with every task.  

Would you like to select….

a) a vowel
b) a consonant
c) y
