Lights.  Camera.  Action!

Let me begin by saying that there are maybe 5 photographs of myself that I can tolerate so making a video was far beyond my comfort zone.  I think it took twenty takes to produce something I considered acceptable.

I do acknowledge that their is merit in producing introductory videos in a virtual classroom environment.  Hearing a person’s voice, seeing their face and observing their body language all help us to connect.  Videos of ourselves also help us identify any personal quirks with tone or volume of voice or facial expressions that might interfere with effective communication.

As it was an unusually sunny and beautiful day for February I attempted to create the video on my deck.  The sun proved to be a detriment, however, causing issues with shadows and backlighting so I was forced to move inside.   Environment is definitely a consideration when producing a screencast.  One is forced not only to get over any issues about being on camera but must also take logistics such as lighting and sound into account.  These are requisite skills one must master when teaching online. 

This assignment taught me not to be too critical – to go with the flow and accept imperfection. 

And remember..

“Dude, suckin’ at something is, like, the first step to sorta being good at something.”

Thanks Chrome Momentum for those borrowed words of wisdom.