Staring Across the Abyss

Visible Learning:

This week I feel like I am standing at the edge of an abyss.  I have all the materials I need to build a bridge to cross to the other side…except one.  The pivotal piece that is essential to making the bridge hold together.  Without this integral piece I cannot cross to the other side.

The online training offered by Google has provided me with a good grounding in each of the apps included in the Google Apps for Education Suite.  I understand how they work and what they can do.  Unfortunately without access to all of the apps (which will not happen until the fall) I am missing the essential piece to attain mastery…..hands on practice.  The past week’s lessons focused on Google classroom and Google Keep.  The only access I have had to Classroom was for one hour at a Google playtime session organized by some staff piloting the suite at their schools.  Text and video tutorials, such as those found on YouTube  can only take me so far.

Without practical application I am left standing on the other side of the abyss amongst a pile of essentially useless bits and pieces with the potential to one day become a bridge.

In the meantime, I am taking every opportunity to practice with the apps that I do have access to (Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive and Google Keep.)  I was excited when I could add due dates from the course I am test-driving in Coursera to my calendar with a single click.  I was also pleasantly surprised when Calendar added a map to my appointment when I included an address and Siri proceeded to giver me directions when I tapped it.  For such a seemingly simple app it is proving to be amazingly efficient and effective.  I hope and get as much background knowledge in the other apps as I can so that I am prepared to explore their practical applications when I finally have access.   I am a kid who cannot wait for Christmas.