Accomplishment and Emptiness

​Have you ever experienced that feeling as you approach the end of a journey?  That feeling of anticipation mixed with a tinge of sadness because as exciting as the destination is, arriving there means the journey is over?

That is how I feel this week.

I am excited to have accomplished my goal of completing the training and am able to reflect on how much I have learned.  I also feel a sense of loss, a void of sorts, as a result of having no new challenge to take its place as of yet.

This last leg of my journey focused on YouTube.  I had always considered YouTube a somewhat frivolous phenomenon that fed on humanity’s narcissism.  I had not considered its potential as an educational resource.

I was wrong.

I can now see its value as a resource in accessing and evaluating information and sharing learning.  I learned how to search YouTube, upload videos, create and share playlists and much more.  

I will not make the mistake of allowing preconceived notions to prevent me from exploring the potential of a popular resource again.

Check out my brief tutorial on creating a YouTube playlist as well as the screencasts of my final unit tests to glean some insight into what you could learn by taking advantage of Google’s free training and using some of Google’s many apps in your practice.

I am a goal driven purpose who thrives on challenges.  My next challenge is taking my level one Google Certified Educator test in preparation for assuming the role as my school’s EdTech mentor.  Maybe I’ll continue on and take the level two training.  One thing’s for sure.  It won’t be long before I find a new challenge to replace the one I have just finished.