DNLE# 1 learning environments and education technologies

My introduction to Designing a New Learning Environment Mooc by Stanford University

My name is Debbie. I’m a passionate EFL teacher based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
I basically teach one to one and online. I use Skype and Google docs for my online sessions. And we use blogs, wikis to post assignments and tech tools to facilitate learning. Slow process but we are doing it! 
I strongly believe in the power of social networks, my PLNs are important, to get support and ideas, help each other, share our work and this feeling of audience which has empowered all of us.

I actively and enthusiastically study to develop as a teacher (Professional Development), which will result in great benefit for my students. 
Part of my philosophy as a teacher is that “it’s not what you teach but how you teach it”.

Technology plays an active role here, I have noticed that students get more motivated and enthusiastic when they can use some technology, cel phones are never turned off in class, we might need them! 
I have been infected by the “I can” bug, (I am thankful to my mentors for this) and as it is so contagious my students are slowly but consistently getting infected, regardless of their age. 
I am a teacher!

You can read about my reflections, lesson plans, and little bit of everything in my blog
I am a proud member of iTDi.pro International Teacher Development Institute .

Video N° 1


Integrating education Technologies within a learning environment – Education technologies as Learning Environments

Assignment #1 – Evaluation of 3 Learning Environments or Education Technologies

Learning Environments
The physical or virtual setting in which learning takes place.
Education Technologies Tools
A learning tool  is a tool to create or deliver learning content/solutions for others, or a tool for your own personal or professional learning.
Commuting in a big city is hard at times, so lots of cancellations or late arrivals.
Busy adults unable to schedule classes until late in the evening, which in the end, results in fewer class hours.
What is the problem to which technology is a solution?” – Scot Thornbury (Teaching Unplugged, 2009)
Low digital literacy, especially adult learners.
Internet service unavailable:
Possible Solutions
Plan A: Take your own mobile devices to nearest coffee shop.
Plan B: Let’s use the phone to organise how we will conduct the class. We discuss the agenda for the day, with some adaptations to my plan (no Dogme!) and email to deliver tasks and textmessage if necessary.
Easy to use
It’s free.
Can be used outside the classroom
Advanced features: IM, File sharing, screen-sharing
Synchronous communication and Asynchronous is possible as you message while offline
You can record Skype lessons for continuous assessment.
No gaps in between classes. Efficient use of time for busy teachers.
Students learn how to be more autonomous
Connect with other people from around the world.

It’s weather resistant, relocation proof, makes you more marketable and you can make some more money.

Asynchronous cloud based software tool
It’s free
It is easy to use
Relevant for language learning as it allows integration of different skills, also speaking as it allows recording over the slides.
It overcomes issues like face video recording, allowing learners to feel more comfortable and safe
It encourages autonomous learning
It generates right amount of language volume, reflections, discussions and feedback
It encourages learners to create their own material fostering creativity in terms of language and design
It allows sharing by embedding their work into blogs and wikis
Unless you get the pro version presentations cannot be made private
Using this tool is usually part of homework, and students might find it time consuming, especially when it comes to the use of different interfaces, plus the fact of the emphasis on design
Each week Plinky provides a prompt – a question or a challenge- and you have to type in your answer. Prompts can be as simple as: What did you do yesterday” to more thoughtful questions like “What is your secret superpower?”
Learners can find inspiration to write and share their production, enabling them to develop sense of audience, “somebody out there is reading what I want to say”
It has a picture finder feature which makes your post more attractive by adding visuals
Learners can read what other plinkers post fostering more learnable moments
It’s free.
Plinky does not support all blogging platforms yet.
Profiles are public, thought they are working to introduce some privacy settings
Still provides few visual options
Let’s look at today’s plinky:

My LE is my office, my classroom, or any virtual LE or tool which enables us, teachers and learners share learning. I described Skype as my LE.
After reflecting and discussing the topic with other e-mates, I believe that Education Technologies can become positive Learning Environments, when provided with good content and generous sharing.
Looking forward to your feedback which will help all of us learn more. 
Thanks for taking your time to read my work.