Sharing is an obligation, an ethical responsibility

In the words of Dean Shareski, this is a HUGE take away from this evenings #etmooc session. I wasn’t planning on sitting in, since my little boy celebrated his 5th birthday today, but I was pulled in by the reminders set on my iPad, and my phone.  #ETMOOC session, starting in 15 minutes!  I tried so hard to ignore it, but this is the biggest goal for me… to share.

After spending the hour with Dean and Alec, I took another 25 minutes to watch Dean’s video:  Sharing: The Mortal Imperative.

I wasn’t done yet.  I was inspired by George Couros’ Idenity Fair, and I emailed a link to my principal, suggesting it might be a fun way to start off the school year with our open house and our Family Fun Nights that we have bimonthly.

I’ve found some great tools that allow me to share more readily.  I’ve set up IFTTT for my blog, Twitter, and Diigo accounts.  I’ve also set up the Chrome  extension to tweet out what I’m looking at.  I wonder… is there an IFTTT to allow a Favorite tweet to become a bookmark on  Diigo?  I bet there is, and I haven’t found it yet!  Feel free to share, to save me a little bit of time.

One thing that I’m finding difficult with this journey.  The time.  I am a tech addict.  I spend hours online, learning, searching, watching.  This is time away from my family.  I’ve started to show my kids what I’m doing, sharing an earbud with my daughter so she can hear what I’m listening to when in session.  She knows what learning is.  I do not want my children growing up to think that the time that I spent on the computer was wasted, that I wasn’t accomplishing something that was meaningful.  I also don’t want my children to grow up thinking that I didn’t pay attention to them.  Now, to strike a balance, and maintain it.  That is the key.