Running the Risk of Over Connecting: How Much is too Much?

As this #etmooc community of practice continues to unfold, I begin to see the need for strategic connections based on the fact that: Image

1. There are only 24 hours in the day

2. Depending on where I am devloping my practice, I will want to seek out people that will connect my questions to  answers in a timely manner.

3. I am about efficiency and these days want to have that contact spell it out  with 140 characters or less.

So, for me twitter does a great job of providing the daily PD medium of choice. The only challenge I see is being able to pick PLN’ers that purposfully post content… not just posting for the sake of the post…but really posting something for the sake of meaningful reflection.

My essential question is this…How does a person create a PLN to ensure that it is purposeful, valuable and ultimately increases personal professional development?