Getting Started with #ETMOOC!

I’ve been reading on Twitter all about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and now I’m participating in one.  #Etmooc is a networking MOOC focused on Educational Technology. Here’s the schedule and the calendar. I’m very excited about Digital Storytelling and Digital Literacy.  Actually, I’m interested in all the topics.

As this is a networking MOOC, it begins with introducing oneself.  My name is Erica, and I’m an English teacher and 21st Century Learning Coach at Robert College in Istanbul, Turkey.  The school I work at is a high school that’s celebrating its 150th year. Last year we started a 1:1 laptop program with students. It’s a big initiative that has brought a lot of change to the school.

My role is to help with the technology integration and 1:1 learning pedagogy.    My interests include flipped classroom, setting up a Professional Learning Network, 21st century skills, global collaboration and project-based learning.  When I’m not working, I enjoy playing with my two cats, going out to dinner with friends, taking long walks on the Bosphorus, exploring new places and hanging out with my husband.

For those of you who are participating in the #ETMOOC, I look forward to learning from you, and I’m excited about my first MOOC even if like others I’m overwhelmed by the sheer number of participants.  I like Alec’s response to the feeling of being overwhelmed:  it’s not about the number of people one can connect with, it’s about meeting people who you can learn and grow with to establish connections that last longer than the course.