Introduction to PBL Power Point

Below is a Introduction to Project-Based Learning Power Point.  It’s nothing fancy – I chose not to do a Prezi because of the amount of info I included.  It’s full of information on the Why, The What, and The How and there are links to a tremendous amount of resources.  Make sure to follow the 10-2 rule if you decide to do a presentation – talk for 10 minutes; have the audience interact or reflect to process the information for 2 minutes (of course you might have to be a little flexible with the amount of time).  When I use this preso with a group of educators there are at least 4 opportunities to process the information.  As a matter of fact, the original presentation has some Polleverywhere slide built into it.  They were removed because they would no play in slide share.  Remember learners are all the same – children or adults.  They need time to process, reflect and/or apply, and communicate their learning.