And the learning continues…

Sunday seems to be my day to blog. There was much to absorb in etmooc this week it’s hard to know where to start. To keep with the mission of making learning visible I’ll share a few insights but give them to you in chunks so my blog is easy to follow and right to the point.

  • I figured out Hootsuite (yea another ipad app – learning more apps is a goal for me in this course). It definitely helps me manage the twitter coming from this course and the other feeds I’ve discovered and now want to read every day. via Compfight cc

  • I’ve come to appreciate the difference between social book marking and curation (i think?) as they were both new concepts before watching the session on them this past week. I’ve added Diigo and Scoop it (yea two more apps) to my ipad and have managed to save some surfing to both sites. I haven’t yet shared from these apps as I am still discovering them. Sharing will be one of next week’s goals.

5600359367_1dbca420d3_tlilkarl71 via Compfight cc

  •  I read many blog posts this week and found one by Sue Waters called Work smarter and stay connected in a learning community helped me discovered another new app Flipboard. This app also helped me to manage the flow of information coming from etmooc. Sue’s session this past week on blogging brought up so many new ideas and things to explore. I hope I have linked my reference to her above correctly and pasted photo’s from compfight with proper attribution.

6223768522_bdf6f4512cpoopoorama via Compfight cc

  •  I enjoyed the blackboard session on connected learning with every part of the presentation being new learning for me. When Alex asked: What does my PLE/PLN look like? How can I share it? I came up with this…

Before etmooc

After etmooc

ETMOOC Graphic design courtesy Adam Lark.