

By Aman Deshmukh, some rights reserved

Trying to juggle all of the balls has taken time to master. But today I was given a bit of a helping hand in the form of a class change.

I have been looking at some of the posts about topic 2 in #etmooc – Digital Storytelling – and thinking about all of the awesome things I could be doing. Of course I was also thinking of ways that I could adapt and integrate things into my History classes, but I am actually an English teacher at heart and all I really wanted was to be able to play with the kids and see what we could do. Thanks to a slight change in plan, I was given a senior English class :) . Very happy. Now I get to play. Seriously play.

This change has meant that I get to do what comes naturally. I get to play with English (Shakespeare to be exact), and get all bouncy and happy about it with some kids who possibly won’t appreciate the language, but may appreciate my enthusiasm. Hopefully.

So #etmooc, lets play.