6 Words, 2 birds, 1 stone

Hello fellow etmoocers,

This will be short and sweet! Totally enjoying the parts of this module that I am able to engage with – as always time is too short so just dipping in and out. God bless Twitter for keeping me up to date!

I’ve completed at least one of the tasks – 6 word stories via Twitter – and I’m loving how it makes me think, rethink and restructure. It’s probably something I should do with everything I write. My children are also loving this module and Chad Matt & Rob are a great hit with their interactive stories.  What an engaging way to learn! It has me grasping around for a topic that I can use this kind of interaction on. Will try Inkle . Watch this space….

So, now I’m combining my Masters work and ETMOOC work …we are doing a module in Creativity and need to blog about it. So I decided to capture it in a slightly more creative way – the traditional story goes: Module starts, pre-reading (a video by Ken Robinson) assigned, put into groups, an icebreaker tallest tower building competition, discussion & choice of group name, after class ended then sharing of and commenting on resources. So that’s the 4 days worth and here is another view of same: Creativity Module

May be blogging even less as I’ve just been as to deliver a course that starts in one week so will be busy prepping but will still be watching all !