A new venture with wordpress.

I had a blog set up with Blogspot and I found it a little frustrating and decided to switch. Unfortunately the blogs I’ve already completed are lost in a deactivated account somewhere.
I have really experimented and become familiar with Twitter and have thoroughly enjoy its simplicity without the add ons, likes etc of Facebook.
The digital story telling for #etmooc has inspired me into creating a story I may never actually submit but challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone is a good thing- sharing for the whole world to see well that is another thing entirely. :)
I’ve written a children’s story book for a class project and it got a fantastic mark but will never get read by anyone other than my family. It is just satisfying to know that I did it. Stupid I know but it opening up myself to the criticism of others I don’t even know; I am not strong enough for yet.
The six word story was a great ice breaker to get the ‘juices’ flowing if you will. I immediately thought of my dogs and their antics and a particular photo of my Thor or ‘big head’ as we sometimes call him. It made me smile and voila! done.
Will I get the courage up to open my experimenting and learning for others to see? Maybe and probably for those I know in my workplace who are also into #etmooc just not the perfect stranger as yet.
I am interested in sharing a blogging experience with my Native Studies Class and their friends from Nunavut. I have expressed this interest to the teacher of the class ( I am just the EA) and hope she likes it as much as I do. Goodnight for tonight….