Family Day or Festivus?

Well, I’m enjoying a relaxing day catching up on things that need to get done, reading student blogs and updating all the students ipads! Did I say relaxing? lol I enjoy doing these things so to me yes its relaxing. I’m surprised how much I enjoy the blogs of Mrs Rose’s art students. Some are obviously putting in time but others are thoughtful in exploring this new way.
iPad software is giving me a bit of frustration but hopefully I have it all worked out for tomorrow. It seems as though the iOS is not allowing me to update and add apps to some of the devices. All the help forums seem to just confuse the issue even more. I finally went and deleted the apps that appeared to be the hold up and reinstalled them and then did the needed sync and poof! It worked!
I also learned that wifi is not superwifi! I had all the IPads spread out on the kitchen table and attempted to do a software update at the same time! S…L…O…W omg! It makes me laugh now but just shows me that work that is worth doing needs to be done deliberately and thoroughly. Just about all caught up!
Enjoying a jammie day and being with family- what could be better? HAGD everyone!

TTFN- Maria