Sorry for the silence

Really – it’s me not you…..

I’m a believer (in ETMOOC)

Time after Time I try to connect and comment

But I’m working 9 to 5

Trying to Teach the Children Well

…..but I’d like to give us another chance!

I found a spare hour to catch up on some posts in Google + and watch Alan Levines webcast on Digital Storytelling. He really does weave a good tale….and it was nice to breathe life into his 50 ways wiki which I had previously reviewed.

In fact, although my head has been elsewhere ETMOOC continues to influence. I have drawn on many, many resources gained during the last number of weeks as I was asked to develop a module on elearning for a post grad programme and  I managed to weave in some of the myriad tools that Alan shared.  Thank you ETMOOC for assisting with my preparation. So that’s my excuse for my silence and I promise to try and be a better partner going forward….