How ‘Cool’ is this!

I’m new to blogging.  It feels kinda weird writing thoughts down for everyone to read….and I mean everyone….anyone out there in cyberspace can be reading my thoughts….and I have proof they are!

Last week I started blogging about the new technology I am going to learn…I chose to learn the Classroom Suite software by IntelliTools.    I feel learning this software will help me a lot because it is a program used in my job…by learning this software I will be better prepared to help teachers and students to incorporate the technology in the classroom.  Here’s the ‘cool’ part….

Today I’m moderating the comments on my blog…I’m sifting through the mound of spam, deleting as I go…the comments in the spam are quite amusing I must say….and right at the end of the pile I was going through I came across one that actually made sense.  Upon closer reading I realize this one is not spam!!  Rather is is a reply from a lady at IntelliTools giving me all sorts of advice on where I can go find online help and  resources!  Is this ‘cool’ or what??  I was so surprised anyone would be remotely interested in reading my blog… being so new at this I had no idea that people would actually find it and read it…and comment on it!!   Pretty ‘cool’!

Check out the comment in my previous blog post!  I would love to hear from you too…leave me a comment and I’ll be sure to reply, and thanks for reading :)

Cheers, Nadia