Making your own mobile app!

I have been experimenting with making mobile apps lately.  My two main reasons for this are:

1.  to self-publish original E books
2.  to give students and teachers a place to put their products so that others can see and benefit from the information.  

The first app builder I have used is  This tool was very easy to do.  There are plenty of templates to choose from to get started.  I have created a mobile app for my school.  I figured it is a very useful app for parents at my school.  My plan is to us a QR code (see below) and have it in our next school newsletter.  Once you scan the code with a smart phone, you have the option to place the app on the homescreen.  Parents will have the directions to the school, upcoming events, special announcements, pictures, and contact information at their fingertips. 

I plan to create my first E book app in the near future.  Stay tuned. 🙂