iPads in Maths: A student view.

Holly in Yr 7 wrote about the visit from the American educators and her views on iPads in Maths, in her Kidblog. Reproduced here with permission.

‘The other week when the American visitors came I had one come and talk to me. I told him about all of the stuff we do on our iPads and the apps we use lots in maths. We talked about the differences between using an iPad and using a text book. I said it was easier on the iPad but it does help having it on paper as well. I didn’t really give him any advice but that it’s easier to use iPads in maths because you have more privilege and more ability to add new things and take away and draw in the picture and zoom in.

The 2 apps I would say are most useful are, “Maths Addicted” and “Notes” (Noterize –PaperPort notes)

I think they are good because with maths addicted you can try and better your scores before and try and get quicker every time you play.
And Notes is really easy to draw and write on the sheet work and all of your sheets are together.

They can be used for, notes writing and drawing and uploading files so everyone else can see them and maths addicted you can practise either, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

The activities or tasks I would suggest are outdoor type stuff or long assignments that you can really get into it!!! ”