More student thoughts on iPads in Maths.

Some excerpts from student blog posts on the apps they find most useful for learning Maths.


In maths I think that the best apps are  mathletics and educreations. Mathletics is good because it includes different varieties of maths activities. There is live mathletics which is good because you can improve in your speed with different levels. In educreations you can make videos to show other people how to do something.


Getting the iPads for high school was a great idea, it’s a lot easier to do my work because I have access to the Internet straight away instead if having to go to the computer room, like we did in primary school. There are also a lot of great apps used for learning, but they are still really fun at the same time.

I think the most useful apps for maths would definitely be paper port notes. It’s great because we can do our work on our iPads, it has different colours that we can write in and there is even a text box to write in as well. I  love how we can add in grid paper and even blank paper as well to do working out on, and then we can just delete it at the end of the session.

The second app that I think is a great idea is mathletics, you login as yourself and your teacher can put up different tasks for you to do. There is also a live mathletics which is we’re you can compete against any and every other kid in the world on different maths questions. You can customise yourself as a different character, and it’s fun to earn different trophies from your achievements, the different maths task can vary from easy to hard, so that you can choose which one you think you’re capable of.


I think the apps that are most useful in maths are keynote, paper port notes and dropbox.

I believe they are the most useful because you can type and draw on them, and on dropbox you can share folders and move them to paper port notes and with keynote you can make presentations and easily share them with teachers,

I enjoy watching videos on educreations  because they can ask questions and you can answer them then watch a video explaining everything to you.


Some advice that I’d give would be is to use Notes (paperport) for the booklets, that was a helpful app. I’d also recommend Mathletics as a good app because its fun, engaging and enjoyable. Edmodo is a good app for sharing things like homework, videos and blogging, it’s helpful because every time someone writes something it sends you an email.