Playing with html and Thinking Critically – POT Week 6

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So this week’s Program for Online Teaching focused on Internet Skills and Critical Thinking.

I was proud to get a decent mark on the Internet Skills Test. I felt like a knew “a bit” about the Internet and computers. Tech Geek has many forms though – and just because I can’t code well – at all – I can still be a Tech Geek.  It made me think about the Mozilla Web Literacy Standard: which demonstrates many ways a person can be competent in web literacy and the Internet….

Digi lit


The Framework is designed around competencies to help us all figure out what skills,behaviours, experiences and attitudes we have around web literacy.

At UBC, I am helping to support a pilot project called m101. The goal is develop web literacy by collaborating, creating, remixing, adding to and designing specialty projects around flexible mobile learning. I’m helping to develop the badges and figure out where a course like m101 would fit in a proposal on flexible learning pathways for formal and non formal learners. This is a youtube video from Erin Fields which has been developed  for m101.

I spent the week working on my High School leadership course. One of the issues I had was to create a cool and easy to use digital resource list for students. I chose Urlist to upload my lists. Unfortunately,  you cannot add youtube to urlist lists. So – I created a wiki in wikispaces called HSOLead13HighSchoolLeadership

I was able to embed a “cool” looking resource list with the youtube videos below.

I could then link the wiki into my Moodle course.

This is a quick video (based on the POT examples) of how I integrated various digital tools to create what i wanted in my online course:

Week 6 – Example of Playing with html to Design Online Course

PS – If you go to the blog I retrieved the image from the blog on…you will see a t-shirt. Just wanted to admit – I own and wear that t-shirt with pride….. :)
