The Forge and Factory of Thought


The Forge and Factory of Thought

(Digital Storytelling 106)

Even though I am busy finishing up teaching a full semester of 4 English courses, I find spare time to participate in my #DS106 daily creates, the recently hatched collabogiffing storytelling project and the very new #GifaChrome and #GlitchaChrome labs.

I participate mostly on Google Plus which I access on my Iphone; one quick click on the go and I’m in my DS106 community, posting my creations, commenting on other projects and running an ongoing conversation with fellow digital storytelling addicts. I am devoting a portion of each day to creative thought. I love the spontaneity of dialogue on G+.

Here is an example of a spontaneous creation: Today, Stephen Downes posted a humorous photo of himself on G+, claiming his stake in MOOCdom by titling himself the ‘The Duke of Mooc’. I glitched and giffed the photograph at my suggestion and at his invitation. I wanted to add to the humor of the image and add the dimension of his disruptive innovations in education. I posted the result to G+ and it was then tweeted out by Mariana Funes of #DS106.

  1. It takes a powerful man to ride the glitchy bull, that’s the Duke of MOOC


Some responses to the image post!


 Thank you! Speaks to Downes’ innovations, doesn’t it?

 It sure does, +janet webster.  I am learning about Downes’ work this season as it informs my graduate work regarding online education. I think Downes’ may also deserve a layercake treatment from +John Johnston for the way he’s really thought/contributed outside the box. Maybe once I learn the layercake secrets, I’ll return to Downes as a subject.
Another fun creation of mine was the result of looking carefully over the story and realizing that there was some mix-up of characters in the collaborative giffing